Saturday, January 09, 2010


I've lost my sewing, blogging, crafting, knitting, photo mojo. A few months ago while hosting a sewing weekend by hands swelled up and hurt like the dickens. Within a few days, nearly all my joints started to hurt. I was exhausted beyond anything I'd ever felt. Saw the doc, sent me to another doc...turns out it's Rheumatoid Arthritis. Thankfully, I have a forward thinking Rheumatologist that is willing to treat aggressively which is the best way to prevent permanent joint damage. Unfortunately, it looks like I already have damage in my right hand from just 3 months of inflammation. I start some heavy duty drugs next week to get this in remission. I'm optimistic drug treatment will work.

To keep crafty I've started the 365 project. A photo a day for the whole year. My flickr set HERE

My favorite photo so far... a what's on my desk today

my funniest photo...

Jedi signed his "artwork" on the basement floor...not very swift buddy boy!