Rag Rolled Farmgirl...we had to double the length of the strips and add about 10 more to fit all her hair!
She loved it. I have a hard time getting her to wear her hair down. She ALWAYS wants it in two braids. Now, she's always going to want it in curls. Baby woke up the day after her curly hair day crushed that her curls were crushed...she wanted me to "fix dem" right away.
Our favorite little orchard was open this weekend and they had Honey Crisps! Oh sweet juicy honey crisp apples, how I await your harvest every year. I bought a whole peck! I'm doling them out sparingly. I doubt they'll have any left come next weekend.
I also splurged and purchased the peeler, spiral slicer. The kids were entranced.
Of course, we couldn't leave the orchard without our pumpkins. I have one rule at the pumpkin patch... I will buy whatever you can carry out. Jedi couldn't quite get this one off the ground...but he sure did try!
Baby found herself the perfect "punkin."
I can always count on Farmgirl to get a hefty one. She even helped Jedi so he wouldn't have to get a puny pumpkin.
The meany mom that I am, I even make them haul it back to the shed to be weighed. Here, Farmgirl was saying, "But, it's uphill. Why are you laughing?"