Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thrifty Goodness

Cindy hosted this awesome Virtual Thrift party. Be sure to check out everybody's thrifty treasures. I'm posting late due to a funeral but I did find a spare hour to hit our local thrifts and pick up a few goodies...

1. a pack of doll clothes patterns .75

2. some mini cross stitch packs for dd9 to learn on $2.50

3. some bits of crafting items and a little hoop for dd9's above project $1.00

4. an awesome pair of heeled bowling shoes that fit dd9 perfectly. I'll have to make her up a funky bowling shirt to wear with them :-) $1.50

5. patterns in Baby's size. .10 each

6. and the best find...a present for my sister Loral. A Kodak duaflex to take ttv pictures! shhh...don't tell's a surprise. Hopefully she won't read this until I can give it to her in an hour. I dismantled it and gave it a sprucing up. This was my biggest splurge at $3.00

oh yes, I also got that sweet red/white dot fabric for .50

total spent $9.75


Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to join in the fun. I absolutely love those bowling shoes.

Loral said...

Thanks for my camera, Miss!!! Now you just need to help me make the hood/tube thingy ;)