Thursday, August 30, 2007
Pucker, Pucker, PUCKER!!!
But better news...WW weigh in was this morning. I am officially 5.2 lbs lighter this Weds. compared to last Wed. Oh yeah, Oh yeah. (Doing the Daphne dance from Scooby Doo) Wait, is that less jiggle in my badonkadonk??? Naw, but I am very upbeat and positive about getting healthy. I made my 3 workout goal for last week but will have to work out Th, Sa, M to make up for waking late this morning. Bought myself some new socks, always a treat. New socks and clean crisp sheets are two things that make me practically giggly with joy.
Well off to bed, off to bed. Keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow's fitting goes well with the bride in her straight dress.
blessings all!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Painting and Bruchetta
sigh...can girls develop angst at the tender age of 8??? Poor d8 has been wanting to paint all day but wasn't allowed due to me having a customer come for a wedding gown fitting just before dinner. Paint, white wedding gown...not a good mix. I could just see paint making it's way into the dining room where I do fittings. Well, you'd think I had told d8 she would be locked in a box the rest of her life. She has been moping all day. Perhaps we'll take a day this weekend for just me and her. Maybe that'll lift her spirits.
exercised today...30 mins on the treadmill. Sweet dh left out knee supports for me...Thanks babe!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
# 1 Threatdown!
Big Hit!
No Bake Apple Berry Crisp was a big hit tonight. Dessert is a rare treat at our house. It's so fun to pull something out of the fridge after dinner and see their surprised faces... a little bonus for my day. Then the compliments..."you made this?" sweet husband inquires incredulously. This same sweet man, who I've been cooking for for 10 years, is also always surprised when there is hot food waiting for him after work. "what, for me?" as I hand him a plate of food. Shhh....don't tell but the crisp is only sliced apples, strawberries, lemon chiffon yogurt and crumbled graham crackers... I want them to be properly impressed each time I slave over a dessert ;-)
I've been wanting to make Ken a kilt for the longest time but have been daunted by the pleats and the cost of quality wool tartan. So, I decided to do a trial run on a little girls one first. All in all it wasn't too difficult. The pleats were very time consuming but turned out very nice. I love how they swing. It is a wrap around and very adjustable. I made it a little fun by adding a pink ruffle and a keyring holder which I'm going to hang a little drawstring pouch on. Below is a pic of the back. I'm going to make up a pink satin blouse and little cap sleeve jacket to go with.
Exercised yesturday...30minutes! Woo hoo for me. I even jogged. Abi decided to join me in the weight room while I was on the treadmill. She did lunges and jumped rope. She's going to be my exercise buddy. I did feel for her though as she was behind me while I was jogging. Luckily she hasn't lost her sight from her retina's being burned out by the horrible site of my jogging buns! Tomorrow is another workout day, which I'm surprisingly looking forward to. I always forget how much better it makes me feel.
Blessings to all!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
A winding drive with a visitor...

Here's d8 in her flattering duro dress made with Heather Ross horse fabric...gorgeous!
Nancy and the kids pose for a quick pic.
After our drive and play in the park Nancy treated us to a delicious dinner out...I was able to enjoy a "grown up" drink and some yummy mango salso salmon. Thanks Nanc! Tomorrow we're all heading over to my mom's with our telescope to watch the Perseid meteor showers. We're all very excited.

I love pics of Daddy's holding their children's hands...this one is super sweet of Ken holding s4 and d2. d8 skips along in front...old enough to be trusted not to make a dash straight into a speeding car ;-) Sorry the pics are fuzzy...having digital issues.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Kiddie Tractor Pull!

Monday, August 06, 2007
Another ride...more pics
We spent the afternoon at my mom's. She and my dad cooked us a fantastic dinner of steak, pork kabobs, steamed broccoli and parsley potatoes. DELISH! Ken practically gets giggly when he finds out we're having supper at my mom is that good of a cook! We spoke of our exciting homeschooling plans and which language we are going to start with...German, Spanish, Italian??? Then we took another beautiful ride down Black River. We saw swans, a cormorant, geese, a crane and the loons. They were in the distance so we didn't get to hear them. We had enough time to travel around the lake today too. The kids loved going fast across the lake. They took a quick dip with Ken then we zipped back. D2 snuggled up with her Nonni and slept the whole trip back to the dock. I got to snuggle Dozer the dog and enjoy riding in the bow. All in all another blessed day.
S4 and d8 love the thrill of a fast ride!
Dozer, my sister's dog, goes for his first boat ride.
Ken walks on water!
Seagulls perch like little sentinels atop every buoy in the channel.
And we're blessed with another glorious sunset for our ride home.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Loads of Photos...
Ken spent most of the afternoon trying to make a dent in this 10 long cord of wood. We, I use "we" very loosely here, still need another 20 long cord before winter. There's D2 sporting a new nightgown made from a thrifted sheet.
Ds singing her heart was very hard for me to keep a straight face as she really got into singing, "baby, baaaaabyyyyy, baby, BABY!"
Nonni (my mom) enjoys the open bow with D2.
S4 learns to drive the boat. He was so proud of himself.
Our return up the river with this gorgeous sunset...thank you Father!
Wonderful memories to cherish!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Let the Wind blow in...
is what I should have said! Being a clothesline newbie I didn't realize wind is much better than sun. Now I get giddy when I hear the rustle of the treetops. We live in the woods and the rustle is nearly constant. Today was the perfect day to wash and hang the fabulous vintage sheets and fabric I was lucky enough to pick up a couple of weekends ago. They are destined to become new nighties for me and the girls. I only have a pillowcase of the fun butterflies so it'll be split between the girls nightgowns.
This sheet is all mine though :-) Isn't it beautiful? You can't tell in the picture but the bottom is eyelet and the print is a border one.
My new jammies are a reward for cleaning my sewing room. I'm about 1/2 way through my fabrics and this is how my closet looks so far. I LOVE fabric...sigh.
But.... this is what I still have to do...sort patterns. YUCK! I much prefer to sort fabric. But I just keep thinking about sewing some stuff for me as my reward.